Archive for the 'Interviews' Category

August 14, 2014 Comments Off on Jenna Coleman Interview | BBC Doctor Who Doctor Who, Interviews

Jenna Coleman first appeared in Doctor Who in September, 2012 and as companion Clara Oswald she’s stood up to Cybermen, sunk in a submarine and […]

November 11, 2013 Comments Off on Jenna Coleman: just what the Doctor ordered Gallery Update, Interviews, Photoshoots

The  Observer-From Emmerdale to Doctor Who and from science fiction to period dramas, Jenna Coleman is an actor going places. Here, she talks to Tim […]

January 28, 2013 Comments Off on Jenna-Louise Coleman: ‘I couldn’t get auditions’ Doctor Who, Gallery Update, Interviews

  Fittingly, for an actress who last year debuted as a time- and space-hopping adventurer in Doctor Who, Jenna-Louise Coleman is thinking about multiple universes. […]